About Sarah


(p.s. You can never achieve ‘Balance’.  ‘To balance’ is a verb. It has the meaning “to bring to or hold in equilibrium”. It is not a state we achieve and forget about. It’s something we constantly tweak and work on)



(inhaaaale and exhaaaale…)

That’s better.

You are not ALONE. You do not need to be SUPERWOMAN.

Life is better with support.


You see I was just like you. Super effective. Excelling in all areas of my life (except for looking after me!). Climbing the corporate ladder. Until I got sick (you can read my sad sorry tale here ;)) I had put so much of my focus, energy and time into the external that the internal crumbled in spectacular style. I spent so much time focusing on my career, my finances, my family, my friends. I forgot about my other needs.

Here I am hiking in Brazil. Before I knew how to relax even my holidays were go, go, go!

Here I am hiking in Brazil. Before I knew how to relax even my holidays were go, go, go!

I see this so often with women. ‘Trying to have it all’ is bullsh*t. Well at least trying to have it all at once is. For some women the focus lack of the focus on the internal shows up in a physical/mental illness and/or weight gain. It’s literally our bodies way of saying 

‘Hey, you crazy cat. Slow down. Think about me occasionally. Relaxation isn’t bad’.

My passion is to help ambitious, driven women who crave balance in their lives. I’m fortunate enough to understand the demands of the corporate lifestyle and to have become coach to help balance the needs of the body and mind. Through using my experience and skills I can allow you learn from my mistakes and become a stronger and more effective woman. With no requirement for your body to breakdown first 😉 Seems more efficient that way – No?

Nutrition + Fitness + Mindset + Happiness + Relaxation

The School of Balance was created as a safe home for women who crave greater balance in their lives. You can read more about The School here. There is a ton of free information on the site in the form of articles, recipes and interviews with experts from around the world.

As humans we often look for a sign that the time is ‘right’. Sometimes that is a big slap in the face. Often though it’s that little voice inside of you telling you now is the time or something as simple as this sentence giving you permission to invest in you. Now is the right time. Now is YOUR time.

I invite you to go and explore and see how The School of Balance can help you and then when you’re ready click HERE to sign up to my FREE GUIDE it’s pack full of information on how to tweak your lifestyle and diet to feel and look your best. All of the best of this site in one easy ebook. And yes you read that right, it’s free. As cheesy as it sounds I just want to help as many women as I can and it seemed the best way to start!

 p.s The School of Balance is pretty active on social media so if you want to join the party over on Facebook, Instgram etc. and get even more great info hit the relevant icon at the top right of this screen.

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Things I know to be True:

– There is no better expert on your mind and body than you (even if you sometimes need some help deciphering what it’s telling you)

– We all need help at times, but it can be the hardest thing to ask for (though the journey is more fun with friends)

– The only certainty in life is change. All you can do is create a framework and learn the skills with which deal with it

– Perfectionist doesn’t exist (and the pursuit of it sucks!)

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Things You Might Not Know About Me:

– I’m a walking contradiction. As much as I love stability and am a bit of a home maker I love adventure and travelling. As much as I love hustle and bustle of the city I love the calm and quiet of the country. As much as I love dressing up and feeling womanly I love pulling on my walking boots and getting muddy.

– I blo*dy love music. Especially live. All of it, even the bad stuff. It gets in my veins. It gives me energy. It shifts my mood. Though I have such a diverse taste NEVER press shuffle on my iPod.

– I’m boring. I honestly am! I can be such a geek and love learning, but if left unchecked I could bore you for hours!

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The School of Balance – The Pathway to a Healthier, Happier and Balanced You

Join The School of Balance Inner Circle for free tips, info and more…

If you want more you can also find out how to work with me here.

2 thoughts on “About Sarah

  1. Pingback: Affiliate Information - The SH(I)NE Programme - The School of Balance

  2. Pingback: Your Gut is Stressed if You are Stressed | Fix Your Digestion Blog

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