Alternative Advent Calendar: Day 10

Today’s Alternative Advent Calendar is a de-bloat one!

December can be one long string of social occasions. If you missed yesterday’s free guide to eating out without over indulging  you can get your FREE copy for immediate download here.

If you have over indulged a bit. What do you do?

In the main I’m a fan of doing nothing. NOTHING?? I hear you say. No mad detox? No depriving yourself for days or going to the gym to make up for it?

Correct! Going back to when we talked about Why Diets Don’t Work, at a basic level our bodies don’t work this way. It’s not as simple as eating or drinking a little too much and then cutting back the next day. This will have a knock on impact on the following days, leading to cravings and slumps in energy. The best way is simply to go back to your normal lifestyle.

Can I do anything to de-bloat though?

Sometimes however, too much alcohol, sugar and salt can leave you feeling bloated and lethargic. Especially if you have to fit back into your little black dress for the next party. On these occasions you might wish to follow the simple guidelines below. Please note that this is NOT sustainable and will NOT lead to sustainable weight loss. It’s a simple trick for 1-3 days to allow your body to release the water it’s holding as a result of an overindulgence. No crazy detox drinks needed!

  • start the day with a hot water and lemon juice
  • drink at least 2 litres of plain water a day and cut out all other drinks
  • prioritise vegetables in every meal (even breakfast – you’ll find some ideas in the recipe section)
  • eat protein with every meal
  • try to avoid any common allergens particularly dairy, gluten and soya
  • walk for a minimum of 30 minutes slowly each day
    do some brisk short intense exercise. Max 30 mins. A weight workout or sprints are great for this.

And remember, no guilt!

As with any lifestyle change you should consult your doctor before making any changes.

If you haven’t already done so you can still sign up to receive all remaining days of the Alternative Advent Calendar here.

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