I love ambitious, driven women. In fact, I am one. But, as much as we think we’re Superwoman, we have an Achilles heel. That one little flaw, that can be our downfall. What is it, I hear you ask? Not…
Know Your Protein Powder
I’ve been asked about protein powders and bars quite a lot recently so I thought it’d be good to share my responses with you. The conversations go something like this… Q. Sarah, why do I need to use a protein…
Should you care about breakfast?
We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and there are countless studies which say eating a healthy breakfast is a good thing. BUT to put it bluntly sod the studies! Who cares what some…
Alternative Advent Calendar: Day 10
Today’s Alternative Advent Calendar is a de-bloat one! December can be one long string of social occasions. If you missed yesterday’s free guide to eating out without over indulging you can get your FREE copy for immediate download here. If you…
Why Waiting For the New Year is a Bad Idea
In the past I’ve been guilty of thinking there is no point starting a ‘diet’ until the new year and then making sure I damn well make the most of it (and some!) through the festive period. The Trap of…
Day 7: Make Time for You
Continuing in this weeks series of ‘7 Days of Simple Activities That Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great’ today we move to look look more at rest and relaxation. Both of which are critical to successful weight loss and health.…
Day 6: Play More
Continuing in this weeks series of ‘7 Days of Simple Activities That Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great’ today we move to focus on playing more. When was the last time you felt free and uninhibited? Day 6: today we are…
Day 5: Take an Adventure
Continuing in this weeks series of ‘7 Days of Simple Activities That Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great’ today is about adventure and in time for the weekend as well! You may have seen a theme starting to develop this week.…
Day 4: Expand Your Mind
Continuing in this weeks series of ‘7 Days of Simple Activities That Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great’ today we move to look at shifting your focus to increasing your personal skills and knowledge. Get out there and live life! Day…
Day 3: Embrace Lovely Things
Continuing in this weeks series of ‘7 Days of Simple Activities That Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great’ today is all about lovely things. I love the word ‘thing’ some might say it’s not specific enough, woolly even, but that’s…