After Nigella spoke out about ‘orthorexia’ I keep reading articles about it. It feels to me that some of them are saying its bad to try and eat food which is better for you and be healthier. If you haven’t…
The Pros and Cons of Going Sugar Free
Last month I was unable to eat any sugar (even fruit and grains) and no alcohol at all, due to taking some medication prescribed by my doctor. I don’t eat a lot of sugar normally, so I stupidly thought it’d be…
My Top 5 Recipe Books
I must start by caveating this with the point that these are my top 5 recipe books for healthier recipes. I do have others I favourites for more decadent days or recipes, which I tweak for more nutritious choices. I love recipe books.…
Has Jamie Got it Right?
There was an article about Jamie Oliver in The Sunday Times magazine. He’s ‘found’ a healthier lifestyle and shed weight in the process. The cynically part of me wonders if he’s jumping on the healthy eating bandwagon for financial gains…
Convenience Food Made Healthy
Last week the challenge was to eat well on a strict budget (if you missed if you can find out what happened here). Next up I was challenged to turn this on it’s head and only eat convenience food. Often when…
Healthy Eating on a Budget is Possible: I PROVED IT!
It can be difficult to eat healthily on a budget, BUT it’s not impossible. I set myself the challenge of eating healthily for one week one a budget and this is what happened… Ground rules I could spend no more…
Don’t Demonise Carbohydrates!
Recently carbohydrates seem to have been demonised by some. I actually think they’re simply a little misunderstood (aren’t we all!) We all need carbohydrates in our diet (see Sarah, What Should I Eat for more on this). The problem comes…
The Food Industry is Making You Fat
I’ve alluded to the fact that I struggle with the food industry quite a lot recently. I don’t mean to be confrontational, but is it too strong to say I hate food marketing? Is it too much to say the…
Busting Those Diet and Fitness Myth’s
The summer is waning and September has begun. As much as I enjoy summer and the long (hopefully sunny) days I love September. It always reminds me of new beginnings, new goals and new stationary – perhaps it’s harking back…